Here are 4 important tips that will help you.
Tip # 1 Talk about commitment with your child and let him/her know specifically how long he will be expected to follow through on this commitment. When our son was 6, he began lessons. We let him know at the onset that once he started, he would be taking lessons and practising until age 12, at which time he could make a choice to continue his study of piano or direct his time and energy elsewhere. (At age 12 he chose to continue, and eventually majored in piano performance in college.) Some parents use two years; some extend it through high-school, but the child needs to know what your expectations are from the beginning. NEVER start the study of ANY instrument on a trial basis. Start it on the basis of commitment and then carry it through.
Tip # 2 The most successful practice is done as early as possible in the day and at the same time every day. If your child does not like having the entire practice waiting for him after school, can he get 15-20 minutes done before school? Practice sessions can also be split in half with short breaks between sessions.
Tip # 3 Provide a private environment for practice free from the flow of family traffic and interference. A piano in a bedroom is a better environment than a piano in the TV room! Please make these considerations before lessons get under way. Think of the piano as an extension of your child’s personality and not as a piece of furniture.
Tip # 4 I am very specific on practice assignments and how long the student should be practicing every day, but as a general guide, all beginners under the age of 12 are expected to practice 30 minutes per day for the first 4 weeks. After that practice will require 45-60 minutes per day for most students. Students who are12 and above will need anywhere from 1 to 3 hours of practice per day, depending on the student’s own goals in piano.